Saturday, January 8, 2022

Azure Linux VM

Azure Linux VM Connection


  1. For Mac Users
  2. Make sure linux machine is created


  1. Open Linux Machine Panel
  2. Go to Settings > Connect > SSH
  3. Click on other Clients
  4. From the new page opened , Copy Create an SSH key Pair "ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096"
  5. Run "ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096" in Terminal
  6. Click Enter all the times

Testing Connection

  1. In the previous page , enter the path of the Eg : "~/.ssh/" or "(if u have added the file in a new folder ) ~/.ssh/vm_linux/pushpa/ " 
  2. click on "test your connection"
  3. Your unsaved edits will be discarded , ck Yes
  4. Ck on Test Connection 
  5. this shd pass


  1. Settings > Connect > SSH 
  2. copy the run example ie ., ssh -i <private key path> pushpaxxxxx@1xx.xx.1xx.xx
  3. Replace the privae key path to ids_rsa which was created
  4. Make sure u give the azure account password when asked

Install Python3

  1. sudo su
  2. <azure password>
  3. yum install python3
  4. pip3 install requests

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