Creating Bazel Project
Fast Step up Guide
1. make sure bazel is installed in your computer
2. create a new folder as Project
3. cd inside the project folder
4. create a new "WORKSPACE" file
5. create python/Program folder
6. cd to Program
7. Create a new file BUILD file:
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = 'hello', #anyname
main = '', #reference path eg: parentfolder.file
srcs= [''], #filename
8. $echo "print('hi')" >
9. make sure ur in folder containing BUILD file
10. $bazel run hello
Bazel has default setting for Python and Java ie., u can start with empty WORKSPACE and run python/java source files .
Refer for other languages:
Other Languages (example scala):
- start with http_archive -support to download package from https
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
- Download skylib - support for shell command
skylib_version = "0.8.0"
name = "bazel_skylib",
type = "tar.gz",
url = "{}/bazel-skylib.{}.tar.gz".format (skylib_version, skylib_version),
sha256 = "2ef429f5d7ce7111263289644d233707dba35e39696377ebab8b0bc701f7818e",
)- Load
- rules_scala : like scala_binary,scala_test etc., to use in BUILD file
- scala_config : Config scala version
- scala_register_toolchain : For using the jar file build from 1 languge as input to another
- scala repositories : to download default libraries for scala
- Set maven as third party repo
IntelliJ Setup
1. Make sure intelliJ has bazel plugin installed
2. import above project as basel project
3. create new
4. next ( if u already have .ijwb/ folder created , make sure it is deleted)
5. done
Common Commands :
- bazel build target #target can be name of build or //path of package:target
- bazel run target
- bazel test target
- bazel coverage target
- bazel query deps(target)
- bazel fetch target
- bazel version
- bazel clean --expunge
- Google product
- Language independent
- Platform Independent (MAc, Linux etc)
- Hermatic ( build exactly every time )
- Cross Langauge Dependencies (Python libarary can call Java binary etc., )
- Large Code base
- Caches Dependencies
- Parallel Builds
- Enable Remote (download Dependencies at remote)
- Dependency Tree Feature
- Query Dependencies
Cons :
- Network Dependency (1st time and new Dependency)
- Enlist every Dependency (ie., If Dependency is using another Dependency. It has to be decalared)
- Manually Decalaring all Dependencies might have version conflicts when 1 library uses 1 version and other another
- Bazel follows python syntax
- Workspace: Workspace is a Folder with WORSPACE file also called as Bazel Repo.
- package :Is a Folder inside Bazel Repo with BUILD file .This folder contains Src code files and other files
- Target :Everything inside your packages can be considered target
- Label:The nomenclature of a target is known as a label. It’s just a way to recognize different targets
- .bazelrc :Settings that are taken into account every time Bazel builds your project.
- buildifier : Used to ensure that all your build files are formatted in a similar fashion
Enlists all external repo the bazel repo is dependent on
Example :
workspace(name="intro_to_bazel") #name of the workspace
load(“@bazel_tools//tools/builds_defs/repo:git.bzl”, "git_name")
name= "com_github_xxx",
Rule Definition in WORSPACE
- Example:load("//foo/bar:file.bzl", "some_library")
- This code will load the file foo/bar/file.bzl and add the some_library symbol to the environment.
- This can be used to load new rules, functions or constants (e.g. a string, a list, etc.).
- *_binary rules build executable programs in a given language. After a build, the executable will reside in the build tool's binary output tree
- *_library rules specify separately-compiled modules in the given programming language
- *_test rules are a specialization of a *_binary rule, used for automated testing
Note :
- In this project WORKSPACE is empty because Native rules ship with the Bazel binary and do not require a load statement. Native rules are available globally in BUILD files.
- But for scala ,python etc u need to include load statements in workspace and use them in Build files
- Open link
- select repos u need for creating ur project
- Example if u want to add "bazel-skylib" (Provides functions , file paths, and data types in build file)
####### WORSPACE ########
load("@bazel_skylib//:workspace.bzl", "bazel_skylib_workspace")
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:shell.bzl", "shell")
p = paths.basename("")
s = shell.quote(p)
- Since scala does not directly ship with bazel u need to include the "rules_scala" from bazelbuild in Workspace
- And Use scala_binary , scala_library scala_test etc., to build and test
- Folder with BUILD is called Package
- Contains rules. scala_binary, java_binary etc.,
name = "common",
srcs = glob(["*.scala"]),
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "eid",
srcs = glob(["filename.scala"]),
main_class = "",
deps = [
- xxx_library takes sources , targets and label (ie., path for other Bazel Packages)
- xxxx_library create a libarary
- //packagename:target
- // - root
- packagename - name of the Builds
- target - particular target inside a package
- srcs dependencies :Files consumed directly by the rule or rules that output source files.
- deps dependencies: Rule pointing to separately-compiled modules providing header files, symbols, libraries, data, etc.
- data dependencies:A build target might need some data files to run correctly.
Query Dependencies
- bazel query "deps(//foo)"
- bazel query "allpaths(//foo, third_party/...)"
- bazel query --noimplicit_deps 'deps(//package:target)' --output graph | dot-Tpng >graph.png
- bazel query --noimplicit_deps 'deps(target)' --output graph | dot-Tpng >graph.png
- bazel query --noimplicit_deps 'deps(microservice)' --output graph | dot-Tpng >graph.png
- bazel query --noimplicit_deps 'deps(microservice)' --output graph >
- bazel query 'foo/...' --output package # What packages exist beneath foo?
- bazel query 'kind(rule, foo:*)' --output label_kind #What rules are defined in the foo package?
- bazel query 'kind("generated file", //foo:*)' #What files are generated by rules in the foo package?
- bazel query 'attr(generator_function, foo, //path/to/search/...)' #What targets are generated by starlark macro foo?
- bazel query 'buildfiles(deps(//foo))' | cut -f1 -d: #What's the set of BUILD files needed to build //foo?
- bazel query 'tests(//foo:smoke_tests)' #What are the individual tests that a test_suite expands to?
- bazel query 'kind(cc_.*, tests(//foo:smoke_tests))' #Which of those are C++ tests?
- bazel query 'attr(size, small, tests(//foo:smoke_tests))' #Which of those are small? Medium? Large?
- bazel query 'filter("pa?t", kind(".*_test rule", //foo/...))' #What are the tests beneath foo that match a pattern?
- bazel query path/to/file/ --output=package #What package contains file path/to/file/
- bazel query path/to/file/ #What is the build label for path/to/file/
- bazel query 'buildfiles(deps(//foo:foo))' --output package #What packages does foo depend on?
- bazel query 'deps(foo/... except foo/contrib/...)' --output package #What packages does the foo tree depend on, excluding foo/contrib
- bazel query 'kind(genproto, deps(bar/...))' #What genproto rules does bar depend upon
- bazel query 'kind("source file", deps(//path/to/target/foo/...))' | grep java$ #What file dependencies exist
- bazel query 'deps(//foo) except deps(//foo:foolib)' #What targets does //foo depend on that //foo:foolib does not?
- bazel query 'somepath(bar/...,groups2/...:*)' #Why does bar depend on groups2
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