Sunday, August 28, 2016

SoapUi : Read and Write xls (excel)

SOAPUI: Read and Write xls


1. Download and
2. Unzip and copy paste jxl.jar into SoapUI\lib
3. Restart SoapUI .
4. Create a new Rest Project in soapui
5. Create a new testsuite>testcase>Add 2 steps = groovystep , properties step
6. Rename properties as "property
7. Add 2 property: usn , pass
8. Create a new xls file in "D:login.xls" drive like above screenshot
9. Add below script into "Groovy Step"

 Script :

import jxl.*
import jxl.write.*


def myTestCase = context.testCase //myTestCase contains the test case
def counter,next,previous,size //Variables used to handle the loop and to move inside the file

propTestStep = myTestCase.getTestStepByName("property") // get the Property TestStep object

Workbook workbook1 = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("d:\\login.xls")) //file containing the data
Sheet sheet1 = workbook1.getSheet(0) //save the first sheet in sheet1
size= sheet1.getRows().toInteger() //get the number of rows, each row is a data set

for(int i=0;i<=size-1;i++){
Cell uData = sheet1.getCell(0,i) // getCell(column,row) //obtains user
Cell pData = sheet1.getCell(1,i) // obtains password

propTestStep.setPropertyValue("usn", uData.getContents()) //the value is saved in the property
propTestStep.setPropertyValue("pass", pData.getContents()) //the value is saved in the property

To call the properties into request :


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