Simple Error Reporting in TestNG without Halt (Soft assertion)
Following Class in TestNG offers reporting :
1. Soft Assertion : Execution will not skip the rest of the steps in the method.
SoftAssert soft_assert=new SoftAssert();
soft_assert.assertEquals("abc", "ABC");
soft_assert.assertAll(); //should be added in all @Test Methods
2. Hard Assertion :Execution will skip rest of the steps in the method and move to the next method
Assert.assertEquals("abc", "ABC");
3. To log the information from the script to the HTML report we must use the class
Now to print the data to the report we must use
3. To log the information from the script to the HTML report we must use the class
. Now to print the data to the report we must use
Project Tree
import org.testng.Assert;import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.testng.asserts.SoftAssert;
public class Assert1 {
SoftAssert soft_assert=new SoftAssert();
public void test1(){
Assert.assertEquals("abc", "ABC");
public void test2(){
soft_assert.assertEquals("abc", "ABC");
<suite name="TestNg_test">
<test name="assert1">>
<class name="Assert1" />
How can i report in HTML report which asserts passed and which failed(not only tests)?