Vb Script to Run MultipleTest Sets in Test Lab of Quality Center via QTP
'All the test sets should reside inside single parent folder''To execute the this file enter the below line into commond prompt
'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cscript.exe "C:\Path of this file.vbs"
Dim aSet_name
Dim iCount
Dim QCConnection
Set QCConnection = CreateObject("TDApiOle80.TDConnection")
QCConnection.InitConnectionEx "http://server address/qcbin" '<--------------- Fill in server address
QCConnection.login "Username ", "Password" '<---------------- QC Username and Password
QCConnection.Connect "QC Domain", "Qc Project" '<---------------- FILL Domain/Project
nPath ="Root\Test1\Path" '<----------------Parent Path
aSet_name=array("TestSet1","TestSet2","TestSetn") '<-------Test Set names
Set TSetFact = QCConnection.TestSetFactory
Set tsTreeMgr = QCConnection.TestSetTreeManager
Set tsFolder = tsTreeMgr.NodeByPath(nPath)
If tsFolder Is Nothing Then
'msgbox "error"
wscript.echo "error"
Call QC_Disconnect()
End If
for iCount=0 to ubound(aSet_name)
Set tsList = tsFolder.FindTestSets( aSet_name(iCount) )
If tsList.Count > 1 Then
'MsgBox "FindTestSets found more than one test set: refine search"
wscript.echo "FindTestSets found more than one test set: refine search"
ElseIf tsList.Count <> 1 then
'MsgBox "FindTestSets: test set not found"
wscript.echo "FindTestSets: test set not found"
'End If
Set theTestSet = tsList.Item(1)
Set Scheduler = theTestSet.StartExecution("")
Scheduler.RunAllLocally = True
Scheduler.HostTimeOut = 100000 'The time to wait for response before failing.
Set execStatus = Scheduler.ExecutionStatus
RunFinished = False
while RunFinished = False
execStatus.RefreshExecStatusInfo "all", True
RunFinished = execStatus.Finished
wscript.echo "Completed Execution of Test Set "&aSet_name(iCount)
end if
Call QC_Disconnect()
Function QC_Disconnect()
Set QCConnection = Nothing
End Function
ReplyDeleteMultiple Test Set are executing but in each Test Set only one Test is executing.
Any one tried to execute multiple Test in each Test Set.