Creating a simple web Service
- External Jars go into - Project\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib
- Java files (Serverlets) goes into - Project\Java Resources\src\com.package\HERE
- JSP files - Project\WebContent\
- html files - Project\WebContent\
- JSP files are html files but with different extension
- The 1st html file shown is index.jsp , so this shoulkd not be deleted.
Configuring TomCat WebServer to Eclipse
1. download eclise
2. Download ApacheTomcat zip file Eg:8.73
3. Unzip AcpacheTomcat into a folder
4. Open Eclipse > Window >Preference>Server > Run time Environment>Add
5. In Add Window , Select the respective Apache Server Downloaded and Ck on finish
Validation :
1. In Eclipse > Window >perspective > Open perspective> web
2. In server Tab below> Right ck > new > Server
3. Select the correct server
4. Finish
5. A server gets added into the server tab , Double click on it to open the server settings
6. In Server Locations> Select use custom location and provide new path to save ur server.
7. Also user can change the port numbers in "Ports" Tab
8. save
9. perform right ck on the new server created in server tab> Select start
10. Open browser tab in eclipse > open "http://localhost:8080"
11. User should get 404 error meaninf server is configured correctly and running
Create project
1. In Eclipse>File> New >Dynamic web project
2. Projectname= webapp-02, Make sure Dynamic Web Module version=2.5, Target runtime =8.0 (or what ever downloaded)
3. next ,again Next
4. Make sure "Generate web.xml" is checked.
5. Finish
6. Project>Rt clk>new >jsp file
7. file name "index.jsp"
8. Next and finish
9. Double ck "Deployment Descriptor" to open web.xml file
10. project>java resources > src>Create a new package "com.pack1
11. project>java resources > src>select package "com.pack1>right ck and create new serverlet>class name as "MyServerlet" (MyServerlet is the name specified )
12 .open index.jsp and add below lines at the end (note: they are case sensitive):
<form action="MyServerlet">
<input type="submit" value="send">
13. Open > add below code in
doGet method :
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();
out.print("hell noi");
14. save all
15. project >Right Ck>Run as "Run on Server"