Thursday, March 17, 2016

Selenium : How to Create Xpath

Selenium : How to Create Xpath

Target URL:
Target Web element: Signup button, Login Button
Tools used:
·         FireBug : To formulate Xpath
·         Selenium Ide : To Test the formulated Xpath
Things to remember:-
1.       Target page should be open is FireFox
2.       Selenium ide and Firebug  should be open
3.       The formulated Xpath will go into “Target” field of Selenium IDE.
4.       All Xpath which go into IDE start with “xpath=//”
5.       The page usually start with <body> , therefore the foremost parent will always be “//Body” while writing Full Path
6.       Html Page may be like :
<body id=”aaaaa”>

   <div id=”bbbbb”>

   <div id=”cccc”>

          <a id=”dddd” class=”1111”>

          <ul id=”eeee”  target=”2222” href=”5555”>

  <div id=”ffff”>
Syntax in IDE:
Xpath=//branch/branch [ @property=’value’ or contains ( @property, “value”) ]
In the above example :
1.   Branch or Nodebody , div , a , ul ,img
Note : Each Node value will have  many properties and many values .Therefore always start with a node value or "*" along with its relate property and value (Ex ://a[@target='_new']  or //*[@target='_new']  )
2.   Propertyid , class , target
3.   Valueaaaa , bbbb , cccc , dddd , 1111 , 2222 , eeee , ffff ,5555

Syntax in Selenium (Eclipse Java) 
   ( Note -"Syntax in Selenium IDE" is only used to create Xpath and the below syntax is the usage of Xpath created using IDE )
Syntax :
WebElement oObject_Name=Driver_Object.findElement(By.xpath("Created Xpath Goes here ,starting from '//'"));
Example : 
oDriver=new FirefoxDriver();
WebElement oObject=oDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//branch/branch [ @property=’value’ or contains ( @property, “value”) ]"));

1.     Using Full Path
(The page usually start with <body> , therefore the foremost parent will always be “//Body” while writing Full Path )
Selenium Code :
 oDriver=new FirefoxDriver();
2.     Using Last()
3.     Using Full Path+ @ attribute
·         xpath=//body/form/div[7]/div/div[2]/div/div[last()]/ul/li/a[@class='']
·         xpath=//body/form/div[7]/div/div[2]/div/div[last()]/ul/li/a[@style='background-color: transparent;']
(For Login Button)
4.      Using only @ attribute      (For Login Button)
(Which is equivalent to
xpath=//body/form/div[7]/div/div[2]/div/div[last()]/ul/li[2]/a[@target='_new']    )
5.     Using Descendants
6.     Using keywords
xpath=//a[contains(@href, "javascript:__doPostBack(")]
xpath=//a[contains(@id, "ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderHeader_ContentPlaceHolderFooter_litSignUp")]

7.     And Operation
xpath=//a[contains(@id, "ctl00") and contains(@href,"javascript:_")]

8.     using position()

9.     Using starts-with keyword
xpath=//a[starts-with(@href, "")]
10. OR (|) condition
xpath=//a[@id='ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderHeader_ContentPlaceHolderFooter_litSignUpLink' or contains(@href,"javascript:__doPostBack")]

 xpath=//a[contains(@id,"ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_") or contains(@href,"javascript:__doPostBack") ]

 xpath=//a[contains(@href,"javascript:__doPostBack") or contains(@id,"ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_")]

11. Going 1 step back  
     Traversing from child to parent use    "/.."
12. Going back multiple steps or reverse tracing ( ancestor:: )
Ex :If user "ancestor::div" , then all the ancestor elements are highlighted with "div" node

 Back Trace to first occurrence of div element 
 //*[text()='Biological Sciences']/ancestor::div[1]
13. Going to specfic child element from parent node:( child:: )
Simialr to just "/ut[1]"
//*[text()='Biological Sciences']/ancestor::div[1]/child::ul[1]
14. Wild Card “*”
15. Nth element

16. No child

17. Last Second or Last But one 

Examples for Xpath
xpath=xpathExpression: Locate an element using an XPath expression.

1. xpath=//img[@alt='The image alt text']
2. xpath=//table[@id='table1']//tr[4]/td[2]
3. xpath=//a[contains(@href,'#id1')]
4. xpath=//a[contains(@href,'#id1')]/@class
5. xpath=(//table[@class='stylee'])//th[text()='theHeaderText']/../td
6. xpath=//input[@name='name2' and @value='yes']
7. xpath=//*[text()="right"]
8. xpath=//*[@id='view']/*[not(@selected='selected')][1]
9. xpath=//*[text()='Biological Sciences']/ancestor::div[1]
10. xpath=.//*[local-name(.)='th' or local-name(.)='td']
Xpath summary
    1. Full
    2. Full+attribute
    3. Attribute
    4. Wild Card(*)
    5. Recent ancestor "/.. "
    6. //a[6]
    7. div[3][contains(@id,'dvheader')] -goto 3rd element and fetch if it has dvheader similar to AND
    1.  position
    1. [Last()]  //[Last[]-1]
    2. [Position()= 42]
    3. count
    1. text
    1. [starts-with(@,””)] -- Used For Dynamic Elements
    2. [contains(@,””)] -- Used For Dynamic Elements
    3. [text()=””] --text
    1. And
    2. or
    3. not

  1. Navigation
  2.  Descendants::div[1]

  3. ancestor::div[1]
  4. child::div[1]



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    2. Thank you, You have spent good time I guess to write this kind of good articles, there is lnk for xpath, please do read it.relative XPATH in Selenium webdriver
