Saturday, February 28, 2015

Android :How to auto import the necessary classes in Android Studio with shortcut?

Android :How to auto import the necessary classes in Android Studio with shortcut?

Go to File -> Settings -> Editor -> Auto Import -> Java and make the below things:
Select Insert imports on paste value to All
Do tick mark on Add unambigious imports on the fly option and "Optimize imports on the fly*


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ranorex : String into object

String into object

To convert a string of xpath into object in Ranorex :

1) Include the library above the namespace -- using Ranorex.Core;

            RxPath path="/dom[@domain='localhost']//div[#'silverlightControlHost']//button[@name~'.*supplinvcs.*']";
              Ranorex.Button button = Host.Local.FindSingle(path); 
