Manual : Test Scenario Vs Test Case
Lets consider a library management system:
The functions performed by different entities(Customer, Staff, Manager)
is mentioned in Usecase. a) Staff enters customer information.
Test Scenario:
Test cases are written based on scenario. Test scenarios are very brief.
a)Staff enters customer information
b)Customer returns a book
Test Cases:
Test cases are derived from scenarios. They are step by step
instructions. They are very detailed and also contains actual results
and expected results along with other fields
a. Enter customer information(Name, address, ph no)
b. Click on save.
For Example:If i want to validate the login page
Test Scenario will be: User receives an error message when he enters invalid
parameters in the login page.
Test Cases 1: User receives an error message when he enters valid userid and
invalid password.
Test Cases 2: User receives an error message when he enters invalid userid and
valid password
Test Cases 3: User receives an error message when he enters invalid userid and
invalid password
Based on the Test Scenario ,Test engineer are writing test cases.
Test Scenario are derived from the
Client Requirements.