Wednesday, April 24, 2019

ETL : Testing Basics

ETL : Testing Basics 

 SQL types:
  • DML (Data Manuipulation) - Insert , update , Delete , Merge
  • DDL (Data Definition)-Create , alter,Drop,Truncate
  • DRL (Data Retrival )- Select
  • TCL (Transaction Lan)- Commit Rollback
  • DCL (Data Control)- grant ,revoke
Data WareHouse :
  1. It is a DataBase
  2. Contains data for Analysis
OLTP (Online Transaction Processing System
  •  Used in Day to Day Transaction
  • Ex : ATM , Net Banking 
  • Data is Captured into either DB , Flat File (xml) etc.,
  • It is a smaller part of DataWarehouse
  • It is specific to a department eg: Finance , HR etc.,
  •  It is used by middle level management to retrieve data wrt to their deptartment.
ETL ( Extract , Transform ,Load):
  • Process of read data from OLTP and  inserting into Data Warehouse
  • The Data from Data Warehouse is used in Analytics report
Ex: Company A has following departments Eg: Sales , Services department. 
Assume Sales departments has records of customer transaction in DB and Services has transaction in an csv file or flat file ( service number , service mechnaic name ,amount paid , spares replaced ,Date etc.,)
If management wants to find out the total transaction of a customer both sales and services how will they do ?
So they need to extract only relavent information from both data sources and load it into a common Destination .This is called ETL.
Hetrogenous Data : Data coming from different Data Sources like Flat file , Orcale DB,  Mongo, My Sql  ,txt,json etc.,
Mapping Document ( ) :
  1. Requirement Document
  2. Contains src , dest table and Column Details
  3.  Conatins transformation query or forumula applied for each column

ETL testing = Data Integration Testing + BI testing (Report)
Generic Data Integration Testing : 
  1. Scheme match wrt requirement
  2. Count match with src and destination
  3. Duplicate records (loaded twice), 
  4. Null Validation
  5. Untransformed Data should match source and destination data (1:1).
  6. Mapping is correct ie., data is going to correct cols as per requirment
  7. Old data already residing is not affected

Late Arriving Dimension or Early Arriving Fact

  • Happens when you get fact data before the dimension data arrives 
  • example:  New employee just onboarded and had an accident before insurance forms could be completed and processed by the insurance company. The hospital will create a medical claim record to be paid by the insurance company, but the insurance company does not yet have a person to associate the claim.
  •  -1 = UNKNOWN, -2 = N/A, -3 = Not Provided etc., 


Sunday, April 21, 2019

pytest : All about pytest

pytest : All about pytest

Index :
  1.  Installation x 2
  2.  Project structure
  3. Sample code
  4. Important commands x 7
  5. Run specific test case
  6. Raise pytest exception (pytest.raises)
  7. labels (pytest.mark.label_name ,pytest.mark.skip,pytest.mark.skip_if)
  8. Parameterize (pytest.mark.parametrize('x,y,res',[(1,2,3),(0,3,3)]) )
  9. Fixture (pytest.fixture(scope="module") )
  10. conftest
  11. pdb
Using pip
pip3 install pytest
pip install selenium

Using requirements.txt : project>requirements.txt
selenium >= 3.0
pytest >= 3.10.1
pytest-html >= 1.20.0

pip install -r requirements.txt
pipenv install -r requirements.txt #Inside virtual env
Project structure

add file : - project>tests>

Sample Code
from selenium import webdriver
def test_1():
 for i in objs:
  1. open terminal
  2. cd to project
  3. excute command "pytest"
Important commands:
1.    pytest --pdb #runs the debugger when an err is encountered
2.    pytest -s #to "print" result in console
3.    pytest -v #verbose 
4.    pytest --maxfail=2 # limit no of fails
5.    py.test --html=1.html
6.    pipenv run pytest
7.    pipenv run py.test --html=1.html

pytest -v -k "add or something" # runs only methods with add ,something
pytest -h # help
pytest -v -x #to stop after 1st fail
pytest -v -x --tb=no # do not display stack trace
pytest -q # quiet mode
pytest -rsx #report skipped tests 
pytest --lf #runs only tests that failed on last attempt
# in eclipse Window > Preferences > Pydev> PyUnit = Py.testRunner and add above Parameters 

Execute specific method of class

def test_mytest():
with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
@pytest.mark.label_name" .To run "pytest -v -m label_name"
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="any reason") #skip methods
@pytest.mark.skip_if(sys.version_info < (3,3),reason="some reason")

import pytest
def test_add(x,y,res):
    assert classname.add(x,y,res)

Fixtures(similar to @Before annotations in Junit test used for - db connection , etc.,)

@pytest.fixture(scope="module") #scope =module/session/function def fix():
    pass    #setup code
    yield   #run till here
    print("done") # tear down code

def fn(fix):
    #fix runs 1st

from selenium import webdriver
def test_setup():
    global driver
    driver =webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="C:/Users/driver.exe")# Windows

You can put all fixtures inside this file and this file will execute before test starts

Debugger :
import pdb;
pdb.set_trace() # to break


Eclipse Setup :
 (if u are using eclipse : Window->Preferences --> pydev --> PyUnit --> Change the Test runner to "Py.test runner".)
Right Click over the file. Run As --> Python Unit-Test
Or press Ctrl+F9:-
It will prompt you to select the test

User can use fixture or setup-teardown
import pytest
def setup_module(module):

import pytest
def teardown_module(module):

Allure report
pip install allure-pytest
pip list | grep -i allure

pytest --alluredir=/Users/Documents/reports
allure generate /Users/Documents/reports
#Add this to file:
from setuptools import setup
    # ...,
    setup_requires=["pytest-runner", ...],
    tests_require=["pytest", ...],
    # ...,

#And create an alias into setup.cfg file:
addopts = --verbose
python_files = testing/*/*.py

#If you now type:
python test


 important read

important watch **


Running pytest inside eclipse ide
Ref :

Friday, April 5, 2019

mac : Adding custom paths

Adding custom paths


>nano ~/.profile
save and close

Temporary (only for the current session)

>alias any_Name="cd /path"

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Python: Strptime


String to datetime object = strptime
datetime object to other formats = strftime
Jun 1 2005 1:33PM is equals to %b %d %Y %I:%M%p
%b  - Month as locale’s abbreviated name(Jun)
%d   - Day of the month as a zero-padded decimal number(1)
%Y   - Year with century as a decimal number(2015)
%I   - Hour (12-hour clock) as a zero-padded decimal number(01)
%M  - Minute as a zero-padded decimal number(33)
%p   - Locale’s equivalent of either AM or PM(PM)
 Use slicing to remove unwanted characters if necessary.

Example :
>>> import time
>>> time.strptime('Jun 1 2005  1:33PM', '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p')
time.struct_time(tm_year=2005, tm_mon=6, tm_mday=1,
                 tm_hour=13, tm_min=33, tm_sec=0,
                 tm_wday=2, tm_yday=152, tm_isdst=-1)

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Linux - Format USB Flash Drive

Linux - Format USB Flash Drive

  1. sudo apt-get install gparted
  2. By default it goes to the hard drive of your computer. 
  3. go to the top-right corner of the application and choose the removable media
  4. Before you go for formatting, unmount the disk by right-clicking on the partiti$
  5. right-clicking on it will show you the Format To option. Select FAT32 (Windows Compatible and Audio/Video Compatible).
  6. Edit > Apply all  Operations

Friday, February 15, 2019

Python : Simple CSV reader writer using Pandas

Sample CSV reader /Writer using pandas

import  pandas,os

sheet=pandas.DataFrame( {"rollno":[1,2],"name":["a",'b']})

    print(Obj.columns) #print all columns
    print(Obj['name'][1]) #Print 1 row 1 col value

Python : Change default 2.x version to 3.x in Linux

python : Change default 2.x version to 3.x in Linux

To open python 3x

To install packages
pip3 install <package>

To change default

$python --verion
Python 2.4

# update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python2.7 1
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2.7 to provide /usr/bin/python (python) in auto mode
 # update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.4 2
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python3.4 to provide /usr/bin/python (python) in auto mode
$python --verion

#select versions
update-alternatives --config python

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Version Control: GIT basic Commands in Linux

 GIT basic Commands in Linux
~~~~~~~~~~Clone Repository~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
cd Documents
git clone
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~give new name to your repository~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
git remote add gitPython #set git
cd to git folder
git remote

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Add new file into Git repository~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

git add file #staging area ready to commit
#git add --all # to add all files to staging area
git status
git commit
#enter the title of the file
git push #push it to current version
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Remove files from stagin area~~~~~~~~~~~~~
git rm --cached my-file.ts # remove file from staging area
#git reset
git mv [file-original] [file-renamed] # rename file

Wednesday, January 30, 2019



Nmap : Is a Port scanner of a particular server / Machine
#apt-get install namp
#pip install python-nmap

import nmap

nmap '' -p 22,80

#Use Zenmap for GUI 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


WireShark Tut

Summary :
    Wireshark is the network Packet Analyzer .Used to Analyize individual packets in an network by filtering the data accumulated by running it.
The main power lies in filtering the packet accumumulated. The Filtering as below:
1. Open Wireshark
2. Select the wireless/wired network
3. CLick Start Capture  - Wirestarts starts capturing data in new window
4. Select any packet in the packet list screen . Each packet contains data wrt OSI layer is shown in Packet details window
5. Open the tree in the Packet Details window and select last child and notice the status bar at the bottom gives filter condition which can be use
Eg:If u have selected a packet
Now in the Packet details window , Open Ethernet > Source >Select Address>
Bottom part gives you "eth.addr" which can be used in the filter field.

1. Wireshark > Pref >capture > Promiscuous mode  (Monitor Mode)
2. protocol:
    udp:not reliable,used in chat /vid Conf, Very Fast
    icmp : ping
3. DNS(tcp /udp): port 53
4. Adding Filter :
    udp.port == 53|| tcp.port == 53
    ip.src == ip addr
    ip.dst == ip addr
    tcp.srcport == 53
    tcp.dst == xx
    tcp.port == xx
    udp.prt == xx
    ip.addr == && (tcp.port == 53 || udp.port == 53)
5. Filter : http (packet sniffing http: video time 1:40-"The Complete Wireshark Course: Beginner to Network Admin!" )
6. iptables -I OUTPUT -p icmp -j DROP # stop ur PC to reply to pings
7. detect malicious traffic in ur network.
    lsof -i :port
    kill psd
8.Wireshark Command Mode :
a.tshark -h # help
b.tshark -D # List Interfaces
c.tshark -i wlan1mon #listen on multiple interfaces : tshark -i wlan1mon -i wlan0mon
d.tshark -i wlan1mon -w /tmp/result.pcap #write to file , can be opned only using wireshark
note: Can only be written into temp folder
e.tshark -i wlan1mon -a duraton:10 -w /tmp/duration.pcap #run for 10 secs
f.tshark -i wlan1mon -f "port80 or port 53 or port 443" -b filesize:5 -a files:3 -w /tmp/result.pcap
#filter ports , Max file size is 5kbs ,autostop after 3 files -a 1 "ls -la" # Monitor a folder for every second
10. iwconfig # tells the mode of the card
11. ifconfig #ip addrs and mac address of network card
12. lspci #list all pci devices

~~~~~~~~~~~~WireShark Monitor Mode~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wireshark > Pref >capture > Promiscuous mode  (Monitor Mode)

1.Activate on Network Card  Monitor MOde
#Method 1
ifconfig wlan1 down
iwconfig wlan1 mode monitor
ifconfig wlan1 up
#Method2 (make sure aircrack-ng is installed)
airmon-ng start wlan1
2. airodump-ng wlan1mon #survillance of network traffic
3. airodump-ng --channel channel_no --bssid bssid_no --path/file #saves files in pcap and other formats
4. wireshark path/file # to open file

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nmap with Wireshark -----------
Nmap : Is a Port scanner of a particular server / Machine
#apt-get install namp
#pip install python-nmap

import nmap

nmap '' -p 22,80

Wifi Monitot Mode : AirCrack-Ng

Wifi Monitot Mode : AirCrack-Ng 

Pre Req :
  1. ifconfig wlan0 down
  2. iwconfig # mode : Managed
  3. airmon-ng start wlan1

Steps :
1. airodump-ng wlan1mon
Here :
#mac address of NETGEAR : 20:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
#BSSID: MAC address , PWR=Power,CH=Channel,PSK=Pre-shared Key,ESSID= Nw Name

airodump-ng --bssid 20:xx:xx:xx:xx:EA --channel 6 --showack -w log wlan1mon
#Stations = Mac Address of devices , Frames = Device Active
#Mac Address of Laptop  : 74:xx:xx:xx:xx:53

#-w to write the results into current directory  
3 aireplay-ng -0 40 -a 20:xx:xx:xx:xx::EA -c 74:xx:xx:xx:xx:53 wlan1mo
#Here 0: Diconnection code , 40: Packets , -a router , -c target mac

4. Use wireshark to analyze the log.cap file

Method 2:
 1. Use Airgeddon instead